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Anthony Vapes Vaping Safety Part 1

Anthony Vapes Vaping Safety Part 1

By Anthony Vapes


Hi All, Anthony vapes here. Some of you may know me from my youtube channel, some may have never heard of me. But i was asked to be a blog writer for aspire so i chose a topic that is very important to me and something that we can always use more of. And that’s vaping safety. Today I’m going to talk about battery vaping safety in regulated mods. This does not apply to mech mods! This is for regulated mods only. So for today I’ll go over calculating battery amp drain


Now there is a lot of confusion when it comes to vaping safety with regulated mods. For today’s post on vaping safety I’ll be talking about single battery mods and multiple battery mods in series. We’ll discuss parallel mods another day. A lot of people assume you use ohms law. This is incorrect. Regulated mods use a DC-DC convertor so the output amps of the device itself (which ohms law is applied to) does not equal the input amps drawn from the batteries themselves. That is why we can safely use a .1 ohm build on a regulated series mod. The correct formula is P (watt setting) (Divided by) V (input voltage aka charge of the batteries. I like to use nominal voltage of 3.7 per battery) (divided by) Mod efficiency. Since we don’t know the exact efficiency and battery ratings have head room a safe amount to use is 90%. Resistance DOES NOT play a factor in battery amp draw from regulated mods.


So let’s look at it in action. Say you are vaping at 100 watts in a dual series mod like the aspire archon. You would take 100 watts using that value of 100 for P and the nominal voltage of 7.4 (3.7 per battery in series) as V and 90% for efficiency the amp draw would be 15 amps. And that doesn’t change no matter what the resistance of the coil is you are using. A general rule of thumb is 65 watts per 20 amp battery which is the most common used. Also when buying a battery, a lot of manufacturers list pulse ratings which are no good for us. You want to go by the CDR or Continuous Discharge Rating of the battery. If you can’t find it, look at mooch’s blog as he does his own testing of each battery and has a chart of them with their CDR ratings.


Hopefully this post has been helpful and stay tuned for more blog posts coming.



Anthony Vapes.


  1. Speeder user

    Does aspire speeder have the safety protection . I mean does it stop from exploding. I have seen a post that it exploded .
    If there are chances of exploding what care we should take

    • connor

      Hi there! All Aspire devices are fitted with a safety mechanism to stop any device from reaching a point of danger. Please keep your device in a relatively cool place to avoid any damage or unwanted battery issues.

  2. Geoff

    I use a Fuchai Duo-3 3 battery mod. Vaping at 60 watts display says the current is 3.2v and the amps as 18 give or take .2. Where I get confused is the amp readout per battery or total? The batteries I’m using are rated for 20 amps CDR. If i go to 70 watts the amps go up to the 20 mark so I’m unsure if I’m being safe or not.

  3. Jess

    Great post! If we vape safely we can vape longer. Thanks for contributing!

  4. BananaBoat

    So is it 90% of the 13.51a or 110% of the 13.51a in your calculations which ends up being 14.85a(15)?

    Cause I am bad at math, and wondering mostly cause even at 100% delivery its pulling 13.51a at 3.7v and 15a at 3.3v.

    • Anthony Vapes

      divided by 90% efficiency or divided by .9 meaning the number will go up since you are dividing by a number lower then 1. another way to look at it would be times 110%. you are adding another 10% for efficiency

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